Monday, October 20, 2008

Back in black again.

Today's workout is 
ASMAP in 20 minutes:

 5- Thrusters
7- hanging power cleans
10- sumo deadlift high pull

I completed exactly 8 rounds at 75 pounds. Got to work out with my momma today and she absolutely demolished me getting 11 rounds at 65 pounds. Feels great to be back and I can't wait to get back into the shape i was in.


Hollie said...

You rocked that thing today Chad 8 rounds at 75 is sweet!!!

Unknown said...

Ok, now I officially feel like a pansy.

Glad to see you kick my ass today with the same weight Chad.....GREAT JOB!

This was not a fun WOD.....the excuse i'll use is the crappy cheese grater bars at the globo and the inability to drop the bar, but still....they're just ROCKED THIS! 8 Rounds is pretty damn good!

Chad de Boer said...

Thanks guys i felt so terrible during this workout
whoever said that soccer was a workout obviously had never tried crossfit!