Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Back at the box after a day off...


7 rounds 

6- hanging power cleans 30lbsx2
10- ring dips
1- rope climb
10- walking lunges 25lbsx2
2- sandbag cleans

time- 11:12

Really hard workout brent and I decided to do 3 sets of 10 GHD  and then some ab wheels. Tried to haul ass through this one although the ring dips slowed me down quite a bit. I managed to get pretty much all the way down and up every time which i was very happy about. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Crossfit LSS....

Strict pullups
double unders 
Burpie box jumps

Felt really good during this one i hauled ass through it sprinting between each exercise. Not bad for an early morning crossfit :). It was cool seeing everyone lying on the ground after. I finished with a time of 16:15 and i thought that was pretty good managed to get a few pics on the new cellular device but ill have to get more next time. After this i was feeling my legs still and my back was slightly soar not bad but a little bit from my shitty technique yesterday on deadlifts just like DC said it would. Didnt feel a need to do another XF workout after this one so I opted out of the Crossfit langley adventure and decided to stay home. Got my report card today 3 A's and one B..... A honor roll baby :) seeya all tomorrow 

Technique Technique Technique..........


Back squat
Stiff leg deadlift
15 - 15
3-3-3 60% 1rm
3-3-3 70% 1rm
75 ab wheel
2:00 Holding the plank.

Technique on back squats was still lacking today. Really have to work on using my legs. I can't quite get the whole consept i dont know why yet..... back squats felt really good was going down controlled and driving my hips forwards on the way up. The stiff leg dead lifts felt really good on the hamstrings as mine have been a little tight this week. Really trying to get efficient at ab wheel have been working at them for a while now and just keep getting a little farther down every time. After the crossfit class we had Belt testing and now I am officially advanced brown belt. Getting so close that i can taste that black belt :P. Seeya all tonight Ciao

Saturday, April 26, 2008



8 rounds
6 back squats- 125 lbs
6 weighted pullups- 20lbs
6 bench press- 35lbsx2
125m row

ab wheel!! 

This workout was so hard. I rx'd it and I can feel it. I feel like my muscles are burning still. My legs felt like i had a 2 hour soccer try out the night before.... oh ya i did. I loved this workout after I was finished. I feel like muscles really developed today and I have to thank everyone for cheering me on as well as my bench press spotters chris, DC and Mumma. Oh and by the way its my mothers 40th birthday today. Or i mean 30th birthday :) well I think she still looks like shes about 29 or 30 but anyways everyone have an awesome day today. 

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Guess whos back, back again....

My order ....
50 wallballs
50 du's
50 box jumps
50 pushpress
50 walking lunges
50 k2e 
50 pullups
Time- 17:34

Dang that was so hard. Haha i think that is how every one of my posts has started and i doubt it will be changing soon.... wallballs were my most difficult exercise i did 40 without stopping and then took a quick breather then finished my last 10. Du's were pretty easy i enjoyed them. Box jumps weren't to bad started with jumps and then half way through had to convert to fast step ups. Pushpress was F$%&*^# hard i found them to be much easier if i did them from the front though. Walking lunges were pretty easy should have probably gone to 30's instead of 20's but oh well. Worst mistake I made during this workout was putting the k2e and pullups together and LAST oh man..... Those killed me at the end of my pullups i was doing sets of 5 or 6. But its not the exercises that kill you its how intense you do them and thats why this workout was so damn hard. Thats what i love about crossfit though its always different. Can't wait to hear how the second class did. Seeya saturday. Oh Jill I loved the biking outfit by the way :).

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Gettin ready to kick some ass!!.....

Workout Of the Day

5 rounds 
5- overhead squats- 65 lbs
10- ring dips
125 m row
Loved this workout my ring dips felt really good today I could get all the way to the bottom and then go 3/4 of the way of but could not get that final bit. Felt really good to get back on the rower haven't been on that bad boy in a week or two. 

After that
3 rounds

23 pullups 
23 box jumps
time- 4:53 rx'd

Felt extremely good on this one did all 23 of my pullups in a row for the first two rounds but then was dogged for the last one... oh well the box jumps felt great as usual. Still can't find my dang runners though :( ... 

Finished with 
ab wheel 
really trying to work on ab wheel as i pretty much suck at them. They felt all right today bette then normal but not spectacular. Can't wait to be able to do ten straight.
Good night to all as i am going to eat.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

WOW that was hard..........


500m row @ 2 min pace
20 kbs
500m row @ 2 min pace
20 elevated ring pushups
500m row
20 power cleans, push jerk

3 sets 65/75/85
7 -dl, h squat clean, push press, b squat,push jerk
only let the weight touch DO NOT REST on the ground.

weighted pullups
weighted ring dips
ab wheel

Brutal the 3 sets of 7 holy crap it was great kicking butt with my training partner Mia. It was another hard saturday. The boys seemed to be having fun in the corner there, not sure what that was all about but its all good. GSP vs Matt Serra tonight can't wait!! seeya all monday....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Back In Action...


3 rounds
row 20 seconds, 10 second break x 4
then for 2 minutes 5 pushups, 5 pullups
as many rounds as you can get in that 2 minutes
rest 2 minutes and repeat

As many rounds as you can in 10 minutes 
5- power snatches, 50 lbs
5- ring dips
5- ab wheel 
5- hang db squat cleans @ 20 % Body weight

Holy twizzlers that was a hard one. I could really feel the rowing on my core. I liked the timing on this workout how you had to make it as hard as you wanted. I finished the first workout like this. 1st set- 6 1/2 rounds, 2nd set 6 rounds, third set 6 rounds. The second workout was brutal also i finished 7 rounds, my ab wheel and snatches. Loved the intensity in the gym today. I was getting my ass kicked at the same time as Mia, Leanna and Michelle so I had to haul twizzlers to avoid holding them up. Can't wait to get back tomorrow for a little more torturing thanks DC :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

CrossFit LSS....

bench press 25lbs
body rows
box jumps 
ab wheel
double unders

Time- 13:04
Felt good on this workout but it wore me out for the day i finished in half 
the time it took the rest of the class to finish. Felt good to actually come first 
it has been to long.....

Longg Monndaayy........

Front Squat 
Split Jerk 
Weighted pullups (no kipping aloud)
first set- 2
second set- 1
GHD situp with twist at top
Front squats felt good so did the weighted pullups but I was off my game today 
haven't been feeling good all weekend but still no excuse i should have "sucked it up buttercup"
Liked the Oly weight lifting for a change a bit disappointed with the split jerks but oh well 
tomorrows another day :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

5- pushpress
7- pullups
1- rope clime
125m row
6- DB split jerks 30 lb
10- Box jumps
This workout was one tough mofo every single exercise I kept telling myself to quit so this was a very big mental game for myself but I persisted through and was glad to be there, even though I did have a tough mental workout i was still proud that i finished right behind sterling which is quite an acomplishment in mty mind anyways, mom's party was after and that was an awesome time thanks to everyone who showed up it was a great party she was very surprised and happy always a good sight to see can't wait to get back out there on monday!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Another Thursday butt kicker....

Bench press 35lb x 2
Body rows 
box jumps
ab wheel 
stiff leg deadlift 30lb x 2
time 16: 04 I think....
Man that was certainly not easy. I thought I was blowing through this workout
then I looked and there's Mia finished like 5 minutes ahead of me holy crap nice work lady!!
Bench press was quite hard not as bad as I thought it was going to be though. I must say I liked the box jumps the most. Can't wait to train with Sterling on saturday haven't done a saturday crossfit in a long time. Cya all there!!

CrossFit Eastlangley ..

300m row
25- weighted box step ups 25lb
300m row
25- k2e
300m row
25- deep walking lunges
300m row
25- air squats


Hanging squat clean 30lbs x 2 

rest two minutes.

Deck squats 25lbs
clapping chest pullups

loved this workout the clapping pushups i found very difficult as well as the deck 
squats so my second ladder was not the fastest ever. Felt good to do some rowing 
can't believe i just said that but it is true. Deep squats were interesting would have
been better with maybe 30 lb dumbells but im kind of glad they weren't weighted.
Can't wait for tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This is sparta =)


7 rounds
5 - Deadlift 155 lbs
7 - dips
1 - rope climb 
200m row.

HOLY $###!!!!
this workout absolutely killed me I layed around the gym for at least 20 minutes. 
loved the dips they were the hardest of the entire workout but i felt like every single one that i did i was getting that much closer to my muscle up that im dieing to get.
I love Crossfit so much holy crap no matter how many times i get my ass kicked i always want more there is nothing else in the world like it. It is amazing how much you can improve just by repitition and commitment. Every time I get on a rower or do a pushup I feel incredible like I can do anything. Its so awesome how much crossfit has taken over my life I have never felt this way about anything in my life I can not wait until tomorrow so i can get right back at it asap!! 
Larry great job tonight way to persist through it and really set the bar high. See you all tomorrow!

500m row
25 box step ups
500m row
20 ohs 
500m row 
20 k2e
3 rounds 
20 kb swing
20 pushups
20 walking lunges 50 lbs    25 x 2 
20 ring dips

This workout was difficult but not the hardest i have ever done. I really wish that i could have rx'd this one as i could not do strict ring dips. Great workout felt it this morning but thats crossfit for ya. 

Friday, April 4, 2008

Some EastLangley CrossFit



70 lbs pushpress
70 lbs thrusters
Burpee box jumps.

second workout 

Jumping squats

Did the first workout with Mr. Howes who kept
me racing the whole time busting my a$$ 
loved this workout both actually they were brutal all the burpees oh man
that was brutal but very fun workout with some great encouragement!!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools!

Happy April Fools.
Fran - 1:22

Just kidding people hehe ( I thought it was Funny... :P ) 

Actual Workout Of the Day
4 rounds 

Time 20:02

This one was a bugger now I know how Angie is going to feel :S
I was a little upset with this workout because i really wanted to get sub 20:00 
on this workout but i really focused on technique throughout the entire workout especially
on those dang pushups! Cant wait for tomorrow seeya then :)

March 31st

WOD-Workout Of the Day.

2 Rounds
500 meter row- 2 min. pace
10 pushpress - 65 lbs
20 box step ups.

Back squat- 83% of pr 
weighted pullups
max for 3 rounds
weighted dips 
max for three rounds


25- K2E

Great workout was going up on the weights because i 
felt 83 % of my boy weight to be quite easy couldn't get to my max though 
2   -  2  - 2  -  2  -  2