Friday, August 29, 2008

First Muscle Up

I managed to pump out all 20 rounds of ohs's at 45lbs and then my pullups 25x3, 30x3, 35x3, 40x3, 45x2

My total was around 690? Can't remember the exact number.

Got my first Muscle Up!! I got the transition before, but on Wednesday I actually finished the muscle up, full ROM and all.

Congrats as well to Larry on his first muscle ups (6 throughout the night)

Friday, August 22, 2008


Barbell complex

deadlift-body row-power clean-front squat- pushpress-backsquat- push jerk 
6 reps    without resting the bar on the ground. 

Did an extra set just to see if i could do the 110. It was hard but doable i put it down between each rep unfortunately but i dont care i still finished er'. Off to the states for a soccer tournement seeya.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Haven't been to the box since last wednesday and am pissed off about it. I have had soccer almost every day for the last two weeks and therefor have worked out a limited amount. I am going to the 5 pm class tonight and hope to see everyone there :) 
"Breath fire" 

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Saturday madness

8 rounds

30 second time limit on each exercise
7 seconds to et to next station

18 second ring hold
15 box jumps
10 wall balls
10 ab wheel
row for 8 calories
10 sdhp 

Hit all my numbers every time. Jesse larry and i were together for this one and we shaked & baked er' =P. Recovery was very fast for this workout. It didn't absolutely kill me. I guess i should have gone faster but i wasn't feeling it this morning at all. Would have been nice to have had one more station for the sumo deadlift high pulls because i got stuck with the light weights which was much to light for me but all and all it was exactly what i was capable of handling for an early morning class.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thursdays workout

Soccer practise!
If you dont see me posting much on tuesdays and thursdays anymore it would be because soccer season has officially started and i am pumped!!!! Its about time i got back on the pitch :)

If you want a good running exercise try this on for size

Around half of a soccer field 
sprint 1 side jog 3
sprint 2 sides jog 2 
sprint 3 sides jog 1 
sprint the whole half 
jog the whole half 
then work your way backwords
sprint the whole half 
sprint three jog 1
sprint 2 jog 2
sprint 1 jog 3
start with the longer side

Today we did this at practise. I am not the fastest sprinter especially compared to some of the older boys that i am playing with so i was not at the front of the pack at the beginning but as soon as the "fit soccer stars" (hahahaha) started to get fatigued was when i struck. My stamina lead me to be the lead runner in my group as soon as we had gotten to our third sprint. I was feeling great today even though my feet were absolutely killing me and were all bloody and sweaty i still managed to use my long strides to power through and finish. It felt good to finally dominate so much in one aspect. Can't wait until the games start and my legs/long distance stamina are 100% again. Looking forwards to my first day off in over a week tomorrow :) seeya all saturday!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008




30 second sprint 30 second break x 2
2 minutes amrap
5 burpies 
5 one arm kbs 30 lbs 
30 second sprint 30 second break x 2 
5 dl 135 lbs
10 jumping lunges 
30 seconds on 30 seconds off x 2 
5 front squats 95 lbs
5 tuck jumps

holy shit that was hard i lost track of my rounds and took a full 2 minute break before i asked DC and he said that i should just keep going so i went back and did an extra round. First two rounds with 135 and the last with 95. Frickin brutal wod but i was lovin every second of it !!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Holy Epicness !!!!!!!

Not so sure why im still up seeing as how i meet grace tomorrow and i know im going to get harassed about it by one of my internet dads ( Sterling, DC )

So today we were back at er' at high noon at the Haglund residence again we have had enough of ferocious fran so today we went with horrible helen (yes i will be coming up with nick names for every bench mark i do thank you very much :D) so we were all waiting to go and i knew that Sterling had the whole wod planned out exactly so i thought well ill attempt to try to keep up with him........ hahahahhaa yah right 
The pairings were
Chad sterling       low 9's, 8:20
Leanna brandt     11:50, around 12-13 
hollie john      11:09 8:24
Michelle chad/sterling  both shared the work.  10 something
these aren't exact i am slightly mixed up between fran times and helen times and i always go purely out of memory so yah i know leannas sterlings mine moms and dads are right but brandts and michelles im not 100 % sure about.
We had an awesome time with every one today it was crazy i never would have thought that running would be the worst part of a workout ever ever ever !!!!!! But it shit kicks you completely. I noticed no one had posted the wod yet so for everyone that doesnt know what helen is it is 
3 rounds for time
400 m run
21 kettle bell swings 
12 pullups
i got to do helen 1 and three quarter times today (lucky me :P) the second time was with the guys weight and i have officially decided to up all of my weights to the mens weights or as close as possible no matter how long it takes me. Tomorrow= GRACE holy shit im scared im going to try 115 tomorrow depending on how i feel which wont be very good cuz im up till' 12 30 ha but anyone that wants to stop by feel free "the more the merrier" call mine 7782413090 or leannas 7782413097 cells seeya all tomorrow 
chow :) 

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Benchmark weekend :) burpee 4

Saturday Wod with the haglunds + Woodruff

FRAN !!!!!!!

Hollie, John, Leanna, Jesse, Michelle, Sterling and myself


Sterling 3:53 i believe
Chad 4:59
Jesse 5:19
Hollie 6:19
Michelle 6:24
John 6:34
Leanna 11:37

 We all had an amazing time today it was so freakin awesome we hung out at the haglunds house for like 5 hours after just hanging out. Everyone did fantastic none of us have done very many benchmarks so it was really cool to do a group fran day. Looking forwards to more bench marks this weekend :) seeya all tuesday 

Friday, August 1, 2008

Burpee 3 :)

Thursdays burpee 2

Squat cleans - 115 lbs
Weighted pullups - 15 lbs.


straight leg raises

Squat cleans were too easy should have gone up in weight but I got to see my sis Leanna fuckin' kill her cleans man she sure is persistant! The weighted ullups were difficult but still do-able.
The burpees were burpees so in other word they sucked :P I found they are easier if you just keep your momentum from your jump. Straight leg raises weren't happening i could get my legs up but they weren't straight they were slightly bad stupid core thats my biggest weekness but it gives me something to shoot for. Have a good weekend all