Monday, June 30, 2008

A little Eastlangley Crossfit!!


3 rounds

10 situps 
7  snatches - 35
5 burpees
time- Chad 2:07
         - Jenn 3:20

5 rounds 

15 pushups 
15 squats
7 push press
30 double unders
400 m run (approximately)
time- 14:58 Chad
         - 15:38 Jenn

Jenn came over today as you can see and we did a killer crossfit wod east langley style! The first wod was a good warmup but was nothing compared to the 5 rounds of hell. The pushups felt relatively easy. The squats were killing my knees today though Clarke seems to think its a growth spurt i sure hope so. The run was definitely the hardest part of the day though i was not up to my normal pace at all! The heat outside today was intense it made the workout 10 000 x harder then it would have been at the box. Jenn did awesome today and was getting my ass moving the entire time. After our wod i watched / convinced Leanna and my friend Colin to do a little miny/modified Cindy.

10 rounds

5- pushups 
10- situps
15- squats
times  - 8:37 Colin
            - 8:41 Leanna
Im affraid to say he's a natural. Another soccer player crossfitter coming through people watch out. He's completely addicted to already asking to do another wod aha.
After that i couldn't take it and did the same 10 rounder of pushups, situps and squats 
time    - 6:47 Chad 
Im loving the weather people hitting up another 10 am class tomorrow morning Jenn, Colin, Leanna and myself! It should be a party (if i can get up that early :P)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Way to early of a tuesday :)

So this morning mom and i hit the 7 am class and holy crap was that early!
It was myself mom dc and 4 other bootcampers. 
The Wod looked like this 
tabata rowing (20 seconds on 10 seconds off) 4X
3 burpies-3 pullups as many rounds as you can in 2 minutes.
tabata rowing 4x 
5 pushups-5 deck squats as many rounds as you can in 2 minutes
tabata rowing 
3 ring dips-3 pullups 


500m row
40 single arm dumbell swings 35 lbs
500m row 
25 du's
25 pushups 
25 k2e

Holy shyte this was a biotch i was so done after the workout i actually had to walk outside and stand by the big garbage can thinking i was going to meet Mr.Pukie! Normally i recover very fast after the workouts but today i actually went back to sleep when i got home until about 11 30 haha. Thinking i am going to go to the later classes tonight and check it out. Seeya tonight ciao

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Early class wednesday.

Lea and I hit the early class this morning and man was it a bitch!!


3 rounds
6- power snatches, ohs, back squats, good mornings, push press, bent over row, deadlift
these weren't all that bad i liked the new complex more then the bear but i needed more weight.
3 rounds
10 h. cleans 
2 minutes box step ups
3 rounds 
12 front squats 
500m row @ 2 minute pace

Jesse and i were partners for the last two 3 rounders. Man those were brutal im glad to be done :)

7 fiery rounds of intensity...........

7 rounds

10- box jumps
10- power cleans- 30 lbs
10- pullups
10- ab wheel

time - 10:59

Damn that was a mother i was getting killed. My breathing during the pullups was weird i couldnt get a rythym going. Reilly and Jesse were right beside me breathing fire as always. Rounds 6 and 7 definitely went by faster then the rest i think thats because i saw reilly finish 40 seconds ahead of me and was starting to get pissed off, nice job brother. 

After the workout i came home and was working with dad until ten o'clock trying to rip a stupid tree down. Even with dads 1 and a half ton bin truck still couldn't tare it down man. Finally after about 3-4 hours of working/goofing off we finally got that sucker out of there. Sometimes i think my dad might be superman judging by how easily he throws around big huge tree stumps and works 14 hour days jeeze. It was a fun day though and now im proud to say there is a much nicer view at our house!  

Monday, June 23, 2008

Crazy monday......

So this morning after getting about 4-5 hours sleep i was woken up by somebody flicking my lights on and got up after having nothing to eat and sitting around for all of about 20 seconds i noticed what time it was i thought holy crap i can still make it to XF 10 am class =D. So off i took booking it all the way to crossfit on my bike it was about 9:53 when i left and i got there at about 10:05 holy crap i was exhausted by that time! So after all that i was exited for a crazy wod and that was exactly what i got. 

Push press

Squat cleans 

I have absolutely no idea what my numbers were today and really didn't care. Ruth DC and myself were rockin' out this morning in out three person class. Nice work guys. Later in the day i went to the 5:30 class and was chillin watching my girls mumma and lea kickin ass aswell as seeing Jenn and Sherrie killing it and as usual doing more work then they had to nice determination ladies and great technique as well. So thats my day so far now for a protein shake and then off to mma for some more actioonnn!! Man im starting to feel like i live at XF-L. Seeya tomorrow 

Saturday, June 21, 2008

When are we going to have a sunny Saturday!!!

3 rounds
10 jumping jacks
7 burpees
5 pullups switching grip while in the air.

This 3 rounder absolutly wrecked my knees not sure why thinking i might be growing but who knows. The pullups were killer i could go from underhand to overhand grip but the opposite way was much more difficult.

3 rounds
10- 115 lbs sld ( stiff leg deadlift) 
4 right arm bench press 40 lbs
4 left arm bench press 40 lbs

Mom and I upped the weight for the sld just to try it out and they were awesome such a great hamstring stretch. The benching was pretty brutal as always but i was feeling strong and confident today so they went relatively well. 

3 rounds

20 dl 125 lbs
7 weighted L pullups 25 lbs
I cranked out the deadlifts today they felt awesome !! Moms new belt was a huge help too. The weighted pullups unfortunately didn't go quite as well i had to drop down to 10 lbs for my very last set and now im choked about it..... oh well it was a great saturday class all in all. 
Seeya monday 

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One final until summer !!!!!!

Front squat

95-115-125-135-145-155-161-165 (failed)

I felt f*ckin awesome today every time i lifted the weight i was thinking man this should be heavier. I lifted with pops again today and it was great motivation seeing him pump out the same weights as me (because of his back). Great lifting day today but now the weirdest thing is my front squat pr is higher then my backsquat (155) but last time i did 155 it was for 25 so i think i could do better either way weird....

3 rounds 

20 one arm kbs - 40 lbs
10 heavy bag burpees
7 pullups
14 ab wheel

time 7:30

This 3 rounder i should have done faster. I was happy with my time but not with my performance. I had to break up my one arm kbs wayyy to much. Either way it was still a crazy blaster. You know it's going to be brutal when the pullups are the break!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Two classes till sumer ......


11 rounds
time limit of 40 minutes
5- Sandbag cleans
5- pistols
5- k2e
5- burpies
100 m row
Time = 17:30

Felt shitty today still managed to haul ass with jesse and pops. My pistols weren't perfect so i guess this one wasn't RX'D but i dont really care today. Great to see you today Michelle as always. 

Monday, June 16, 2008



back squat 
7 - l pullups between each set of squats

body rows
135 lbs

5 - ring dips between each set

Todays Wod was stellar. The back squats felt awesome i had my homegirl Mia making me keep moving the whole time. The L pullups were a nice break from the squats of hell. The body rows were interesting after doing a few i thought that i sucked at them but then i saw how Mia did them and then i got the technique better and was pumping them out ( weight was probably to heavy because my technique wasn't perfect ) So i guess all thats left are the dips... well as you can probably tell by the title to this entry i did finally get ring dips :) and awesome ones too. I did all 25 with no breaks. I was so pumped after the Wod that i just kept on going and going. 
Next up the evil muscle up!!!!! 

Congrats to Sherri and Jen for having the energy to do both the XF class and the Bootcamp class i sure as hell didn't have the energy to do that.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Another Thursday of pain.........

3 rounds
20 sec on 10 sec off rowing 4x
as many rounds as you can in two minutes 
5 pullups 
7 pushups

as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes

9 situps
200 m run
9 sdhp
9 ring dips

totally forgot the rounds but Sterling and I fricking rocked this shit. The whole time i knew sterling was right on my ass and it drove me to run faster and pull harder great job man. Always good to see you and battle through another shit storm. Everyone else killed it as well today. Leanna i saw you killing those sdhp ;). Dad way to show up with an injury that shows true crossfit spirit seeya all saturday. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

French 11 here i come........ =D


500 m row
 20 hspu
500 m row
 20 ab wheel 
 15 kte
500 m row
 15 push press 65 lbs

3 rounds
10 stiff leg deadlift 85 lbs
3 rounds
20 deadlifts - 125 lbs

So first things first just letting everyone know i got 68 % on my french 10 final and needed 70 % to get into french 11 but my french teacher sweet talked the french head teacher because oi was so close so now i am going to french 11. 
The hspu were pretty brutal. I did them off the big box and they killed my arms which made the arms dead. Even rowing was hard after that and i was keeping a 1:45 - 1:50 seconds per 500 m row. Besides that the workout went great i worked out with michelle which is always awesome. But i am going to bed so good night.


5 rounds

5- power cleans 95 lbs
5- dumbell bench press 40 lbs
5- BUTTERFLY pullups

5 rounds for time

10- db split jerks 35 lbs dumbell x 2
10- ring pushups
2- rope climbs
time= 7:07

Finally got my butterfly pullups down pat pumped out all 25 of those bad boys out. THe bench press was brutal with 40's ouch the power cleans weren't to bad a little light i should have put some 10's on them probably. 

The 5 rounder was a nice blaster the pushups were brutal but i made up for them on my rope climbs. 20 % of my body weight is only 27 pounds but im trying to get up to the guys weight so im getting there slowly but surely seeya all tonight 

Monday, June 9, 2008

back at er'


Bear complex 
deadlift, power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push jerk
3 sets of 6    75-85-95
This was a bugger, seriously at one point when i was putting the bar on my neck after the pushpress, but before my back squat it hurt my neck so bad that i went into a full squat kind of things with the bar resting on my neck and my hands weren't on it. FREAKYY but i got errr done. 

3 rounds 

6 pullups
6 pushups
6 push press
6 kbs
6 k2e

Blasted through this one pretty quick not to brutal but the kettle bell swings were awesome it was nice to see how heavy we could go. 

I had my french 10 final exam it was fricking brutal i need 70 % to get into the class and im not sure but i think i am going to be fine. I guess we will be finding out soon. Anyways it's time for a lil bit of mma action so seeya all tomorrow 

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Hitting the books people. I have my french 10 final on monday so any time that i am not at crossfit i am studying aka posting is very difficult. So for the few people that check out my blog this is just a heads up :)
I will still be at crossfit though so seeya there 


5 rounds
105 lbs

2 rounds 

turkish get up 
30 lbs

pushups off box onto paraletts. 

the pushups were felt so good until i hit 8 on the way back. 
everything else felt just delightful :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sandbag galore........


3 rounds
20 sec on  X 4
10 sec off  X 4 
 as many rounds as you can in two minutes of
5 pullups 5 pushups


4 rounds 
6 sandbag full cleans 
12 turkish get ups

I felt good on the first 3 rounder my pullups were fast and controlled and my pushups were fairly decent ( much better in the first round then the third ). The rowing was just rowing difficult but maintainable. After this workout my breathing was messed up i couldn't get air deep into my lungs. I wasn't even brutally tired I don't know what happened. Anyways i have to study hard for a french 10 final all week so the postings might be lacking a bit and hopefully i will still make it every day this week. Seeya tomorrow all 