Friday, August 29, 2008

First Muscle Up

I managed to pump out all 20 rounds of ohs's at 45lbs and then my pullups 25x3, 30x3, 35x3, 40x3, 45x2

My total was around 690? Can't remember the exact number.

Got my first Muscle Up!! I got the transition before, but on Wednesday I actually finished the muscle up, full ROM and all.

Congrats as well to Larry on his first muscle ups (6 throughout the night)


Unknown said...


Let me be the first (at least on your blog) to congradulate you. What a great achievment. Keep going strong dude!

Chad de Boer said...

thanks jeff im pretty exited about it :)
happy one year crossfit anniversary i know im late but oh well

Surrey Sterling said...

Who da man! Its all gravy from here bra! Now what's your 30 MU's for time brother! Great job Chad!