Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Back at the box after a day off...


7 rounds 

6- hanging power cleans 30lbsx2
10- ring dips
1- rope climb
10- walking lunges 25lbsx2
2- sandbag cleans

time- 11:12

Really hard workout brent and I decided to do 3 sets of 10 GHD  and then some ab wheels. Tried to haul ass through this one although the ring dips slowed me down quite a bit. I managed to get pretty much all the way down and up every time which i was very happy about. 


Surrey Sterling said...

Nice job young brother! Looking forward to kill'in a WOD with you soon! Nice work on your report card! Strong and smart, nice combination...

Chad de Boer said...

haha thanks sterling yah hopefully ill be
there saturday and we can haul ass through
another one of DC's torture sessions!

Ms. D. said...

Hey Chad...I saw your Mom the other day and she told me the great news about your report card and all the other amazing things you're doing. Congrats to proud!! I miss your spunk and spirit around here at JH but am sure you've still got it goin' for you. Take care and drop by to say "hi" some time.

Surrey Sterling said...

Sorry young Spartan for your grunt pool experience! Are we supposed to clean up our sweat storms after? Since I tend to turn into a SSF (Swedish Sweat fountain) I best start some post wod housekeeping! Have a great week Rad Chad!