Soccer game 2-315
walk around the langley cruise in 4 - 5 30
Core work
5 rounds
25 toe touches with your feat straight in the air
25 situps bringing your knees to your chest
25 regular situps
30 seconds of plank
25 ohs
on the zone once again
fitness testing at school
as many rounds as possible in one minute of
air squats - 74
pushups - 46
burpees - 30
then finish with 2x 400 sprints for time
times were 1:09 and 1:18
finished first of everyone exept on the run's
3 rounds with a partner
800 m run (400 each)
60 kettle bell swings (30 each)
60 box jumps ( 30 each)
finished first of all the people in the soccer academy grades 9-12
wednesday rest day
You have been a busy boy!!! I'm glad you finally had a rest day:)
That'd a way bra! Lead don't follow! Only follow if your injured:) See you soon dude!
thanks sterling thats how i do :P
we need to do some bench marks soon !
`hurrs` is not a word! my skin is crawling... :)
AHAH i did that just for you jill :P
ah ha ha i knew it chad! it worked!
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