3 rounds
20 sec on 10 sec off rowing 4x
as many rounds as you can in two minutes
5 pullups
7 pushups
as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes
9 situps
200 m run
9 sdhp
9 ring dips
totally forgot the rounds but Sterling and I fricking rocked this shit. The whole time i knew sterling was right on my ass and it drove me to run faster and pull harder great job man. Always good to see you and battle through another shit storm. Everyone else killed it as well today. Leanna i saw you killing those sdhp ;). Dad way to show up with an injury that shows true crossfit spirit seeya all saturday.
Can't wait to do it again Chad! Cool phone too, takes nice clear pix eh! Your family if very cool, I mentioned to Michelle tonight, "I hope our family is as tight as the deboer clan when our kids get older.."
Your Dad's injured? what ale's Deboer senior? You would have never known dude!
Pops hurt his back a while ago and then went to the Dr jay the chiropractor and apparently he is all messed up. He still kicks ass if you ask me though
But thanks sterling yah i am loving the phone being the techno geek i am :) trust me if you get your kids into crossfit which i know they will be there is no way you all won't stay tight. I found that since i began crossfit having all these athletes around me has really encouraged me to do things i have never done before like getting straight a's and not going to the principles office all year. You always say how i am the future of crossfit but i hate to break it to you sterling but you are crossfit at its finest my friend. A modest athlete who kicks some serious ass and it fit as fuck to me that is a true crossfit star. You are a great roll model and i have tons of respect for you so thanks for kicking my ass every saturday as well as your wife kicking my ass every other day :) so breath fire as you always do bra oh and by the way lovin' the picture aha
Two peas in a pod!!!:)
Dam dude, I honestly have to tell you this, I have a nack for character. I can tag, in very order, a person's character. I can read a front, wannabee or shitstain in very short period. You can't bullshit me and I'll swear by that. Where am I going with this bra?
Your Character is genuine and I what I tell you next is the honest truth. I have a very good friend who is ten years younger then me. He is wise, brilliant, a teacher, one of my only two mentors. After a time with him I discovered he carried an old soul. For a young man of your age you seem so far beyond your age. I believe you Chad, carry an old soul, an old soul that not only inspires others but Breaths F#$KING fire as well!
The only other mentor I have, well, I think you know him very well, Darren Clarke...
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