Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Monday Mayhem ...........


5 Rounds
6 - back squats 110 - 75% of 1 rm
20 - ring pushups
rest 2 min and repeat.

5 rounds 
10 - pullups 
10 - pushpress 35 % BW x 2 DBS - 25lbs
10 - Walking lunges
Time - 4:56 RX'D

This was a mother of a workout i loved the back squats probably should have done a little more weight but it was what was prescribed so i guess thats okay. The 5 rounder was awesome myself and Jesse were trying to beat each other the whole time so it drove me to haul ass through the whole wod. After the workout i did 8-8-8 of ab wheels. 10-10-10-20-20 of those things we used to do in mma where someone throws your legs to the ground and you have to use your core to bring them back up. <- totally forget what they're called :). 

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