500m row @ 2 min pace
12- sandbag get ups
500m row @ 2 min pace
15 - h. power cleans 65 lbs
500m row @ 2 min pace
20 K2E
4 rounds
7- clean & jerk 95 lbs
10- strict L pullups
7- box jumps: big box
Time = 13:12 Rx'd
Alright so I got my ass kicked today. Every exercise felt hard especially those damn clean and jerks. The warmup ..... if you want to call it that felt really good. Not to hard but not to easy the sandbag get ups were tough i just tried to get through them and move on. The nasty 4 rounder was a B*$%#. Those clean and jerks were awesome they felt so good. Definetly the hardest exercise but either way after i finished this wod I was incredibly pumped. What a great way to start off the day. Seeya Monday everyone
Are you mocking me?? No really, are you mocking me!
Nicely done young Spartan! You've got the viking smile down to a tee brother! You made me howl when I seen that! We were just talking about you dude. You have got to come in these mountian runs with us. you would leave with a medal every race! They have age catagories and regardless you'd kick my ass and probably finish top twenty out of 600! I was thinking while I was running and passing younger runners, "Shit, Chad would kill this run..." If I can finish 35th you'll kill that!
So were gonna do the next race in July and you are in.
Get Mom to register you, we'll pick you up and then come back to your house for beers with your mom and dad after:) Those races are the shyte dude!
Nice work today, looked good!
Thanks sterling thought you would like that pic :)
Im definetly in for that race for sure. I love long distance runs theres no other way to go (besides crossfit of course) NICELY DONE 35th out of 600 holy crap thats crazy you must have been given er' Where can i sign up ?? And yah definetly we can have a bbq and everything make a day out of it. Im sure that mom and leanna would love for the young crossfitters to come aswell once again nice work .... how did michelle fair. Im sure she wasn't to far behind knowing her. :)
Dude that was 35 overall on the short course. 500+ in total in both races. You will love these races I approached it just like a wod, I heard Clarke saying in my head as my cramps tried to defeat me. "IT'S JUST PAIN! MOVE!" You'd do so awesome at these my friend!
i think that would be right up my alley i know exactly what you mean i always here coach c's voice in my head like if im about to have my personnel fav ice cream cake i even picture him in my head. That is 100 % true though its only pain. The faster you get through it the faster you get to rest :).
So google 5 peaks and look up the next race which is June 28th at Cypress, we can't make that one but we'll make the July race on Seymour. I hope we can do that one together!
definetly sterling ill be there. Ill look it up and see if i can figure out how to sign up. Will you be there during the week again?? seeya soon!
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