Tuesday, April 15, 2008

CrossFit LSS....

bench press 25lbs
body rows
box jumps 
ab wheel
double unders

Time- 13:04
Felt good on this workout but it wore me out for the day i finished in half 
the time it took the rest of the class to finish. Felt good to actually come first 
it has been to long.....


Hollie said...

Way to do a little ass kickin Chad:) Nice to work out with people your own age for a change eh? I like the picture too.

Jill said...

hey. so i finally figured y our blog out and will be checking it on a regular basis. the green colour is bright so im wearing my sunglasses :)
nice work on this WOD. I love that yu`re doing it with the ppl at school and kicking their asses :)
way to represent!
see you thursday night. ill be there at 630 if im off work on time.

Chad de Boer said...

haha thanks ladies u both rock to
cant wait to see you on thursday jill
havent worked out with you since saturday

Jill said...

ill try and slide by lss tomorrow during the day and make an appeareance :) any `bad guys` you want harassed?

Chad de Boer said...

haha everyone at the school is a bad guy so you might have your hands full :P

Chad de Boer said...

i saw a bunch of cops at my school today wasnt sure why ....... officer might you have any idea ??

Jill said...

no dude i dont know why. i missed you tonigth at crossfit. i was totally looking forward to kicking yor ass!
i didnt make it out to lss today. i had my hands full with some drug traffickers. what a pain :)
ill try for friday. tak-er easy.